Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, it looks like many of us have had a JOLT!!! Even though many of the election polls showed Barrack Obama considerably ahead of John McCain - - I still kept thinking that McCain would be able to pull ahead and win. At least I was hoping!! Sorry to say, I was wrong.

I have been very concerned about many of the liberal ideas held by him (Obama) and many of his followers. And his background seems to be full of "interesting" people. Some of the people that voted for him actually think that he can CHANGE all of the problems of the American people overnight! History is full of politicians that have made interesting and bizarre campaign promises - - MANY of which could never happen. Some people actually think that he can "fix" our economy overnight too and that all unemployed Americans will have jobs handed to them as soon as he is sworn in - - NOT!! And what about EVERYONE being entitled to affordable health insurance - - how is he going to do that?? Many small businesses will go under because they can't afford to give health insurance to their employees.

Our Congress has been under the influence of a majority Democratic vote for the past four years and they are the ones that should take a brunt of the blame for how our economy is right now. It's too bad the blame was placed almost entirely on President Bush! Because of that blame, many people switched what would-have-been Republican votes to "the other side."

Things were starting to look up for the Anti-Abortion possibility - - but that went out the window with Obama being elected. AND with his lack of support/respect for the American flag, who knows what will happen to the phrase "One Nation UNDER GOD" that so many liberals want to do away with?? What about our troops - - does he think he can just call them home when we are in the middle of a war?? We need to finish what we started!

The next 4 years is going to be yield many CHANGES for the American people - - hope there can be a few positive ones in there somewhere!

Thank Heaven for the Gospel of Jesus Christ - - it does not change! It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow!!! AND with the Lord's help, we'll all make it through what the future holds for us! But watch out 2012 - - - if Obama doesn't pull off what he promised the American people during the next four years - - - that will be an interesting election to watch!!!

And as a final note - - since so many of the Obama supporters are truly interested in the really "important details" - - I wonder what kind of puppy the Obama kids will have when they go to live in the White House??? Remember, he mentioned that in his acceptance speech!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

UGH! I am disappointed in the results, but like I told the kids...whoever is elected, we still have to support them as the leader of our country. :(
That doesn't mean I don't have to agree with him though. I guess all we can do is really hope & pray that he actually implements some GOOD changes. I'm still very nervous, something about him makes me uneasy.